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字体: 放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-07-13  来源:中国石化新闻网  浏览次数:8547

据油田技术消息称,挪威石油局(NPS)宣布,878生产许可证运营商Equinor将完成30/2-5 S初探井的勘探工作。



    30/2-5 S油井在布伦特组(塔伯特、内斯、艾斯纳和兰诺克地层)遇到了一个约160米的气柱,其中60米包含有效的砂岩储层:内斯地层中砂岩厚度为30米,储层质量较差至中等,艾斯纳地层厚度15米,储层质量以中等为主。塔伯特地层厚度为10米,储层质量差到中等,兰诺克地层厚度5米,储层质量差。




    30/2-5 S井在海平面以下的垂直深度为4359米,测量深度为4390米。


    曹海斌 摘译自 油田技术


    Equinor makes gas and condensate discovery near Kvitebj?rn field

    The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPS) has announced that Equinor, operator of production licence 878, is in the process of concluding the drilling of wildcat well 30/2-5 S.

    The well was drilled about 17 km south of the Kvitebj?rn field in the North Sea and 160 km northwest of Bergen.

    The objective of the well was to prove petroleum in reservoir rocks from the Middle Jurassic Age (the Brent Group).

    Well 30/2-5 S encountered a gas column of about 160 m in the Brent Group (the Tarbert, Ness, Etive and Rannoch Formations), of which 60 m comprise effective sandstone reservoir: the Ness Formation has 30 m of sandstone with poor to moderate reservoir quality, while the Etive Formation has 15 m of sandstone, primarily of moderate quality. The Tarbert Formation has 10 m of sandstone with poor to moderate reservoir quality, while the Rannoch Formation has 5 m of poor quality sandstone.

    Preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery between 3 and 10 million m3 of recoverable oil equivalents. The licensees will consider following up the discovery in an overall assessment of the area.

    The well was not formation-tested, but extensive volumes of data have been acquired, and samples have been taken.

    This is the first exploration well in production licence 878. The licence was awarded in APA2016.

    Well 30/2-5 S was drilled to a vertical depth of 4359 m below sea level and a measured depth of 4390 m.

    The licence owners of production licence 878 are Equinor (60%), Source Energy (20%) and Wellesley Petroleum (20%).

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